perjantai 28. huhtikuuta 2023

Opettajavieraita Italiasta/Teacherguests from Italy

Vapunalusviikolla Yhteiskoululla oli kouluvieraina peruskoulunopettajia Italiasta. Anna, Nicoletta, Chiara, Manuela ja Liliana olivat tutustumassa suomalaiseen peruskouluun viikon ajan ja tekivät havaintoja, mitä samanlaista ja mitä erilaista on italialaisissa ja suomalaisissa kouluissa.

We had five teachers from Italy visiting our school this week. Anna, Nicoletta, Chiara, Manuela and Liliana wanted to learn about Finnish school system and observe lessons. What is similar, what is different, if you compare Finnish and Italian schools?

What are the main differencies and similarities compairing Finnish school to yours in Italy? 

Teaching methods are very   similar (group  works, discussions, cooperative learning, project based  learning, ect) but the most important differences are  that classes are more  flexible - in Finland you can split classes into different groups or activities and teachers can cooperate at the same time. We usually have more theoretical lessons than practical ones and our students  rarely use individual devices.

In our school some behaviours are not allowed in class - use of mobile phone, students are required to sit in a straight way, they can’t wear hats,hoodies, headphones....Finnish students have the capability to keep concentrated  even if some other  students are disturbing them.  School building is new, very well equipped, with a lot of room for each student, very light and well furnished. Your campus is very big. In Italy our students don’t have a very big gymnasium like yours and we use the town hall canteen ( 2 afternoons).

In Finland atmosphere is welcoming, relaxed and tollerant. We like the attention to the teachers’ comfort, the fact that they always cowork and help each other. A great difference is that in Italy the teachers change  the classroom every lesson, while the students stay in the classroom till the breaktime

Mention three best things in Finnish schools!

- Laboratories,equipment,furniture (brand new buildings).

- Coworking personalities (school assistants, nurse, psychologist ,conselours...) cooperating at school with teachers

- Students study not under  pressure.

Something else you would like to tell about your visit in our school?

We would  like to thank you for the warm welcome and the attention the principal, the teachers and staff members reserved to us . Our  visit was inspiring from many points of view, such as assessment, school organization and ideas  for future labs.

Taiteidenvälinen opetus: Ruokaa!-näyttely 8.10.-8.11.2024

Ruokaan liittyy monenlaisia muistoja. Ruokaa tarjotaan tärkeissä tilaisuuksissa, lohdutukseksi ja kun on aihetta juhlaan.  Ruokaa ja elämää...